Always wanted to learn to Ride? 

DB Sport Horses' Junior and Adult Amateur lesson program is designed to create well-rounded equestrians through an emphasis on horsemanship skills and dressage foundations. Our seasoned lesson horses range from child-size ponies to FEI warmbloods, allowing us to tailor each lesson to the needs of the horse and rider. Whether you're a 5 year old beginner or an ambitious adult amateur, our instructors are prepared to help you achieve your equestrian goals in a safe, supportive environment. 

Betsy has over five years of teaching experience, both in traditional and therapeutic settings. She is a PATH Intl. Certified Therapeutic Riding Instructor(CTRI). Her focus is junior riders and beginner adults. Betsy works to create a fun, safe environment that transforms horse-lovers into well-rounded equestrians. Lessons with Betsy include an emphasis on horse care and overall horsemanship in addition to riding skills.